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臭美 Cheerio Chicken

ID No:38025

¥ 819.00


这只古怪的鸡使出浑身解数就是想靠近你。Cheerio特别擅长绵绵细语,爱用颤音唱情歌,会撒谎,但自我感觉良好。你得向她保证永远钟爱她,否则她不会在你身上浪费一钞钟,并会毫不客气第你说声“Cheerio – 再见”。 

尺寸:30 cm


Cheerio Chicken

This eccentric bird pulls out all the stops just to land by you. Cheerio Chicken is a master of using lofty words, loves to trill love songs, will lie to you through her beak, has a very inflated opinion of herself. You should swear your unending devotion to her – otherwise she won’t waste a second to stun you with her“Cheerio”! 

Size:30 cm