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捣蛋小秘 Pilo Plemplem

ID No:37517

¥ 749.00


PiloPlemplem也许看上去像一只温顺的咪咪笑的猫,但是小心哦,Pilo其实还有不为人知的一面:让他坐在你的电脑前,他会下载音乐,飞快地阅读并且回复你的邮件,让你直呼“Are you Plemplem”,这在德语中的意思是“你疯了吗?” 

尺寸:28 cm


Pilo Plemplem

PiloPlemplem may seem like a sweet, smiling cat, but be aware, Pilo comes with a hidden agenda: Let him sit in front of your computer, and he’ll down-load music, read your emails and reply to them faster than you can say: “Are you Plemplem”-which is German for “out of your mind” 

Size:28 cm